Teaser Directed by Kevin McMullin. We shot for three days with two Cooke S4/i lenses and real teens of New Jersey. The cinematography was inspired by smoothies and sand. Check out the full project details at boyandstar.com/lowtide
Welcome to Bushwick
Cinematography by: Andrew Ellmaker
Approaching a Breakthrough
Cinematography by: Andrew Ellmaker
Carved into this movie: “500mm lens lengths were here.”
Music Video
Losing It
Dir by Henry Jinings. Shot in Oregon in July. Losing It was recently selected to play at Slamdance Film Festival. Shot on Cooke 20-100mm. The cinematography was inspired by a teenage lack of remorse and beauty running into darkness.
Scouting continues: Arecibo, Camuy, Rincon and Gozalandia
We went to the west coast of PR and found some new options for hotels and waterfalls. The music for this scouting montage is by Stelvio Cipriani 1971.
Scouting PR Sept.
Scouting PR
On our next trip we plan to see the Tres Pueblos Sinkhole. Check out the footage at the beginning of this vid -- unreal. The rest of the footage is a mash up of phone scouting. Special appearances by McMullin, Cruz, and Frost.
Amanda Seyfried
Gillette for India
Fresh Direct Shoot with @thefatjewish
I shot this inspirational video about a great leap forward into a pool of rosé. Working with Quietman and all the lovely people at FreshDirect.
Gucci Guilty
Shot / Co-Directed this commercial over three days with Jonathan Dee. Great working with Meredith Adelaide and Austin Mitchell. Special thanks to the Goddy family and Andrew Crighton for being a machine.
This spot got over a quarter million views in its first week. Fantastic.